$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
$ sudo pip install pyqtgraph
Leave record about python coding
$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip
$ sudo pip install pyqtgraph
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#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import random a = 10 Dt = 0.1 #Define xy index PX = 0 PY = 1 VX = 2 VY = 3 FX = 4 FY = 5 def integ(xy): #verlet integration particle_num = len(xy) pnum = 0 while pnum < particle_num: #update velocity xy[pnum][VX] = xy[pnum][VX] + 0.5*Dt*xy[pnum][FX] xy[pnum][VY] = xy[pnum][VY] + 0.5*Dt*xy[pnum][FY] #update position xy[pnum][PX] = xy[pnum][PX] + Dt*xy[pnum][VX] xy[pnum][PY] = xy[pnum][PY] + Dt*xy[pnum][VY] #boundary condition if xy[pnum][PX] > a: xy[pnum][PX] -= a if xy[pnum][PY] > a: xy[pnum][PY] -= a if xy[pnum][PX] < 0: xy[pnum][PX] += a if xy[pnum][PY] < 0: xy[pnum][PY] += a pnum += 1 def update(i, fig_title, xy, total_step): if i != 0: plt.cla() ax.set_xlim(0,10) ax.set_ylim(0,10) integ(xy) nnum = 0 while nnum < len(xy): plt.plot(xy[nnum][PX], xy[nnum][PY], "o") nnum = nnum + 1 plt.title(fig_title + ' step = ' + str(i) + '/' + str(total_step)) def init_set(xy): pnum = 0 xv_sum = 0 yv_sum = 0 particle_num = len(xy) while pnum < particle_num: xy[pnum][PX] = 0 # x-position xy[pnum][PY] = 0 # y-position xy[pnum][VX] = random.uniform(-1,1) # x-velocity xy[pnum][VY] = random.uniform(-1,1) # y-velocity xv_sum += xy[pnum][VX] yv_sum += xy[pnum][VY] xy[pnum][FX] = 0 # x-force xy[pnum][FY] = 0 # y-force pnum += 1 #Total momentum to zero xv_sum = xv_sum / particle_num yv_sum = yv_sum / particle_num pnum = 0 while pnum < particle_num: xy[pnum][VX] = xy[pnum][VX] - xv_sum xy[pnum][VY] = xy[pnum][VY] - yv_sum pnum += 1 if __name__ == "__main__": fig = plt.figure(figsize = (10, 6)) fig.set_size_inches(10,10) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) perticle_num = 100 xy = [[0 for i in range(6)] for j in range(perticle_num)] init_set(xy) total_step =400 ani = anm.FuncAnimation(fig, \ update, fargs = ('Molecular Dynamics ', xy, total_step), \ interval = 10, frames = total_step) plt.show() #ani.save("Sample_MD.gif", writer = 'imagemagick', dpi=50) |
930KB -> 530KB
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#-*- coding:utf-8 -*- import matplotlib.animation as anm import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import random def pstep(xy): nnum = 0 pnum = 0 while nnum < len(xy): while pnum < 2: rr = random.random() if rr > 0.5: xy[nnum][pnum] = xy[nnum][pnum] + 0.05 else: xy[nnum][pnum] = xy[nnum][pnum] - 0.05 if xy[nnum][pnum] < 0: xy[nnum][pnum] += 10 if xy[nnum][pnum] > 10: xy[nnum][pnum] -= 10 pnum = pnum + 1 pnum = 0 nnum = nnum + 1 def update(i, fig_title, A, xy, total_step): if i != 0: plt.cla() ax.set_xlim(0,10) ax.set_ylim(0,10) pstep(xy) nnum = 0 while nnum < len(xy): plt.plot(xy[nnum][0], xy[nnum][1], "o") nnum = nnum + 1 plt.title(fig_title + ' step = ' + str(i) + '/' + str(total_step)) if __name__ == "__main__": fig = plt.figure(figsize = (10, 6)) fig.set_size_inches(10,10) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) perticle_num = 50 xy = [[0 for i in range(2)] for j in range(perticle_num)] nnum = 0 pnum = 0 while nnum < len(xy): while pnum < 2: xy[nnum][pnum] = random.random() * 10 pnum = pnum + 1 pnum = 0 nnum = nnum + 1 total_step =200 ani = anm.FuncAnimation(fig, \ update, fargs = ('Random Work', 2.0, xy, total_step), \ interval = 100, frames = total_step) ##plt.show() ani.save("Sample_randomwork.gif", writer = 'imagemagick', dpi=50) |
random work sample by python and matplotlib.
%easy_install-2.7 pip
%pip install scipy
%easy_install-2.7 matplotlib==2.0.0
setenv DISPLAY :0.0 #DISPLAY設定
run xwin -multiwindow -noclipboard #xを起動
python rect.py
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def main(): fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) # 始点(0.2,0.2)で幅が0.2, 高さが0.4の長方形を描画 rect = plt.Rectangle((0.2,0.2),0.2,0.4,fc="#770000") ax.add_patch(rect) plt.show() if __name__ == '__main__': main() |
※easy_install , pip