

input data to fft



  cv2.IMREAD_COLOR (or 1)
  cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED (or -1)


実行結果が下記。入力が360×240画像だったので、360×240のnumpy arrayで返ってくる。


input data to fft


results fft and inv fft

Read images using openCV, convert to frequency data with fft. And then back to the original image with reverse transformation.
Code 1 is reading image by gray scale.
Code 2 is 2D fft by numpy. Frequency distribution is returned.
Code 3 is checking Power spectrum.
Code 4 is invers Fourie by numpy.




■結果 [Results summary]

code type 時間[sec]
threading (4threads) 14.36 <-(new!)
threading (1thread) 6.92 <-(new!)
multiprocessing 2.09
itertools使用 (no1) 8.18
range記述 (no2) 7.93
xrange記述 (no3) 7.89
ループ内周でnumpy使用 (no4) 78.46

■使用したコードは下記(use 4 threads)

Following previous parallel computation of Coulomb force in multiprocessing, we test parallel computation of Coulomb force using threading. The same condition as before the multiprocessing calculation condition, the core number was set to 4 and the number of calculated particles was set to 15 ^ 3.

As a result, the calculation time is 14.36 [sec]. The computation with multiprocessing was 2.09 [sec], so it took a long time or it took more time than when computing with single thread. In threading, it is considered that an exclusive lock (GIL) is occurring when memory access is performed in order to acquire necessary information for each thread to share memory. If we try to run with thread number 1, the processing time is 6.92 [sec]. It was faster to not thread.



thread = 0 rand = 1.97370804812
thread = 1 rand = 3.45525477664
thread = 2 rand = 0.651252139145
thread = 3 rand = 3.96551177159
thread = 4 rand = 3.57845628232
thread = 5 rand = 1.81758678574
thread = 6 rand = 2.31490107118
thread = 7 rand = 1.21471678276
end thread = 2
end thread = 7
end thread = 5
end thread = 0
end thread = 6
end thread = 1
end thread = 4
end thread = 3
[0.6512521391445797, 1.2147167827645151, 1.817586785739616, 1.9737080481200742, 2.3149010711817626, 3.4552547766386787, 3.5784562823201704, 3.9655117715879653]

A test that issues threads and parallelizes them. The start of the thread is done with start (), and the wait for completion is done with join (). To check the termination of all threads, use enumerate () which lists all the threads that are currently issuing. However, since the main thread is also included in this list, it is necessary to withdraw the main thread. The main thread can be set with currentThread (), so remove it with remove. Wait for join () to finish removing, and issue a termination message when all threads are finished. The return value from each thread can be stored using Queue. By passing the queue you want to save as an argument, you can read the results of all threads after the thread ends.




■結果 [Results summary]

code type 時間[sec]
multiprocessing (4core) 2.09 <-(new)
itertools使用 (no1) 8.18
range記述 (no2) 7.93
xrange記述 (no3) 7.89
ループ内周でnumpy使用 (no4) 78.46

We examined the speedup of the previous Coulomb force calculation part. As a result, more fast results calculation was using a simple double loop. In this time, I will try speeding up by multiprocessing parallel processing of this Coulomb force calculation part.

The code you created is below. The result is 2.09 [sec]. Since core used is 4 thread specification, processing in 4 processes was done. Considering that the last processing time was about 8 seconds, the result was 1/4 as ideal.


前回イオントラップシミュレーションにて、分子動力学のopenGLを使った可視化を行った。この処理にかかるほぼすべての時間はクーロン力計算の箇所であり、各粒子同士の計算が必要となる。粒子数をN個とすると、計算量は1ステップあたりNC2回が必要となる。特に今回のイオントラップの様な、閉じた系の中では周期境界条件が存在しないため、Ewald methodの様な高速化の方法も用いることができない。








■結果 [Results summary]

code type 時間[sec]
itertools使用 (no1) 8.18
range記述 (no2) 7.93
xrange記述 (no3) 7.89
ループ内周でnumpy使用 (no4) 78.46


We performed visualization using openGL of molecular dynamics in the previous ion trap simulation. Almost all the time required for this process is the location of the Coulomb force calculation and it is necessary to calculate each particle. Assuming that the number of particles is N, the amount of calculation needs NC2 Times per step. Especially in the closed system such as the ion trap of this time there is no periodic boundary condition, so speeding method like Ewald method can not be used.

In this time I would like to examine how to speed up the calculation of the Coulomb force in this ion trap.

First, Code No1 that it has been extracted only the code of speeding up the subject. Results time is 8.18sec.

Code No.2 is when the itertools location in the above find_pair function is rewritten with a double for loop.Results time is 7.93sec.

Code No 3 changes range to xrange.Results time is 7.89sec.

Last Code No4 use numpy.But, Since it is used many times on the inner periphery, slow processing can be expected.Results time is 78.46sec.

Another possible method is threading. I want to try this again next time.

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